The Nano-Micro Manufacturing Facility (NMMF) is a facility under the South African Department of Science and Innovation, established as part of the SA Research Infrastructure Roadmap (SARIR) and managed by CSIR. For The NMMF, Nano-micro manufacturing encompasses a wide array of technologies, techniques, and manufacturing processes aimed at producing novel low-cost devices, sensors, and diagnostics. These technologies, incorporating nanomaterials and biotechnology, align well with the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR).
The core objective of NMMF is to support researchers from academia, science councils, and industry in conducting research and developing prototypes in various areas, such as printed electronics, electrochemical sensors, biosensors, Lab-on-Chip devices, and paper-based lateral flow diagnostics. The initiative aims to elevate users’ technologies to higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs), thereby expediting the translational phase of research and accelerating commercialization.

The NMMF operates as a distributed facility with specialized nodes in specific domains.
This node is set up for device development, focusing on integrated electrochemical devices. Equipment available includes a photoluminescence instrument for non-destructive material characterization, a MultiPalmSens4 multi-channel potentiostat for sensor development, and a laser micromachining system with a benchtop SEM for device preparation. A state-of-the-art screen printer will also be available in 2024.
The node has a number of Biodot Dispensing systems for the development of paper-based diagnostic tests and lateral flow devices. The node will soon include the ability of high-speed aspirating and dispensing, aiding microarray and microfluidic device development.
This node fills a gap critical for biosensor manufacturing. Available instruments include a Drop on Demand printer, a stereo lithography machine, and in 2024 an e-beam evaporator.
This node has a clean room with photo lithography capabilities that are crucial to PDMS microfluidic Lab-on-Chip manufacture as well as scale up through clean room injection moulding capabilities. The node also has accurate 3D printing capabilities as well as laser cutting and laser welding abilities.
The node assists with the design, development, manufacture and test low cost and printed electronic devices using state of the art multilayer printers (inkjet, screen etc), additive printing (3D) together with well-known microelectronic fabrication techniques. The node hosts a Fujifilm Dimatix DMP 2850 inkjet printer, a manual screen printer, and a semi-automated screen printing setup to enhance printing capabilities. In 2024 an aerosol-jet printer for advanced printing and deposition on 3D surfaces will also be available.