Lab-on-Chip (LOC) is concerned with integrating multiple laboratory functions onto a miniaturized platform, typically a microchip, to enable rapid and automated analysis of biological and chemical samples. The primary goal is to replicate complex laboratory processes and techniques on a compact scale, thereby reducing the need for large and expensive equipment, minimizing sample and reagent consumption, and enabling point-of-care testing.
The node can assist with designing the layout and functionality of the LOC device. This includes determining the required microfluidic channels, chambers, valves, and other components based on the desired analytical processes.
Thereafter it will the substrate material for the chip is chosen based on factors such as compatibility with the intended applications, transparency for optical detection, and ease of fabrication. Through the microfabrication techniques, such as photolithography and deposition, LOC devices ca be produced in PDMS polymer very rapidly. The node can go one step further by producing LOC devices through injection moulding in a clean laboratory environment.
The node is also capabil to produce general devices by 3D printing, laser cutting and milling.
Contact details:
Dr M Scriba or Mr E Maesela
012 8414738
CSIR NMMF, Building 14F
Meiring Naude Rd (opposite SASOL Garage), Brummeria
Pretoria, 0194